Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Bereseb neighbourhood in Gambella town inhabitted by the Nuer came under attack last night. The gun men are thought to be from  from Anyuak ethnic group. There could have been alot of  injuries and deaths as the attackers were many. They transported themselves on three pick-up trucks and got dropped adjacent to the neighbourhood.

Fortunately for the neighbourhood residents, the gunmen were intercepted by Ethiopian National Defence Force (ENDF) before they could create caranage. While they were interecepted, it resulted into a gunfight between the ENDF and the extremists. There is no information of casualties yet by the time of this writings.

This is kind of intriguing to think the violence could still be going on till this time. Many would wonder what it will take before President Omot and the Federal government does something about these attacks launched by Anyuak extremists on poor innocent civilians. The leadership of Gambella National and Regional State has to ensure public safety and that is by ensuring that those terrorising communities are brought before the court.


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