Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Nuni Omot helped with the win of the South Sudanese Team in the Olympics

South Sudan is known for all the wrong reasons but not any longer. Leading upto the Olympic, it has shown the world that they are a  force to reckon with after narrowingly beating the United States in a friendly game in London. They done it again in their first Olympic game against Puerto Rico, a cousin of the United States with so many players in the NBA.

But that was not enough to stop the South Sudanese Team which players are based in Western Countries such as the United States, Canada and Australia. Omot, Originally from Pochale, an Anyuak district in South Sudan done well to bring a jubiliation and positive atmosphre among so many South Sudanese in the country most of whom watched the game on their mobile phones as TVs are of a remote distance for almost 90 percent of the population.

Many cousins of South Sudan such as in Ethiopia also cheered the young nation. Gambella Action Daily in parttucular was as happy as the Gambella Vision seeing Omot doing well in the game.   It said ‘Nuni omot has made record in Olympics history he scores first-ever points for South Sudan 🇸🇸 in the Olympics’


1 Comment

Busy Goat July 29, 2024 at 8:14 am

Congratulations to the Team 🏀

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