Friday, October 18, 2024

There has been no doubt from South Sudan’s SPLA in Opposition under the leadership of former vice President, Dr. Riek Machar that Salva Kiir’s government is using mercenaries against them. The latest to follow suit after the Uganda’s UPDF forces has been the Darfur rebels, the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) who staged rebellion more than a decade ago against the Khartoum regime.

Like Uganda,  the JEM has has been in denial of supporting Salva Kiir’s  tribal government fighting alongside his forces. Uganda admitted its involvement in South Sudan conflict only after the deaths of its  troops in battlefields inside South Sudan soil. The corpses revealed dead bodies having UPDF uniforms and badges.

The Same scenario is what has been recently witnessed in Unity State. The dead bodies of JEM fighters contained JEM uniforms and on top of that there were more than two dozens of JEM fighters captured including their intelligent officer. Their military equipment including veheicles are branded with JEM logo.

A report by the SPLA in Opposition’s Spoke person Bregedier Lul Ruai Koang provided in detail pictures of Prisoners of War of JEM fighters. He indicated that the PoW  are not South Sudanese Nationals but rebels from Sudan.

The SPLA in Opposition would like to tell the world not only about the JEM participation which prolongs the South Sudan conflict but others who are inlvolved as well. The Uganda’s UPDF, the SPLA-North from Sudan’s Blue Nile Region, two factions of SSLA(SLA-Mannawi and SSLA-Abdall-Wahid) both from Darfur militia groups, two pro-government militias from South Sudan ( the SSDA/M-Olony faction in Shulluk Kingdom in Upper Nile State and SSLA/M the Bapiny Monytuel faction in Unity State) were all given green light by the Kiir’s regime to fight our forces and kill innocent civilians of South Sudan.

These opportunist groups in the South Sudan Crisis have to be considered as real dangers to the internal security of our country. Even when there seems to be peace or when our forces seem to have miliratry advantage over Kiir’s regime, they insist on fighting us as their only mean of getting money from Kiir.

The JEM rebels, to begin with, have lost their legitimacy as their insurgent against Sudan has now gone wrong for greed. They make no different with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) as well as with Uganda’s Lord Resistance Army under the leadership of Joseph Kony.

JEM Rebels in the county of Leer, the home town of Dr. Riek Machar, in Unity State have abducted young girls and forced them to marriage. Those who resisted or refused their demands were executed, a crime in which Joseph Kony is being hunt for by the Internatiolal Community. Similar crime of that type have recently been committed by the Boko Haram of Nigeria where over 270 girls went missing in the country’s north east. That has forced the world to send special envoys in the hunt of those culprits yet the world is turning a deaf hear on the plight of our people who are witnessing far worse crimes on a daily basis.

Uganda’s involvment in this war is basically to snatch the South Sudan’s wealth. A greed that comes at a cost of innocent lives most of whom are children. If it was not only for Uganda’s involvement in the South Sdan conflict, those who died and still dying in Jonglei, Upper Nile and Unity states would still be alive today because Kiir’s Bar l Ghazel regime would have been long gone.

But because of their greed and their need to get our wealth, they will always run South Sudan asking Salva Kiir to stay on power as far as they are getting paid. That is actually what Salva Kiir wants using South Sudan’s oil to crash victims of genocide his private army has killed in Juba and who are again committing acts of genocide and ethnic cleansing of Nuer.

Museveni of Uganda is no difference with Charles Taylor and the world should act as soon as possible because what is now happening on the ground in South Sudan is a repeat of Sierra Leonean Conflict where Liberia participated for control of its diamonds. According to the Morning Breeze, a Ugandan TV programe, a Ugandan anyalyst said their involvement in Juba is for their survival in Kampala because if South Sudan has a change of goverment, them the Kampala economy would collapse. That is the same scenario that got Charles of Liberia to Sierra Leone prompting the US to send special forces.

Mr Taylor was arrested in Cameroon in 2003 and now is serving a 30 years imprisonment in the Hague, the International Criminal Court (ICC).

Museveni’s behaviour in South Sudan by itself is enough evidence for the world to act and deal with him as they did with Charles Taylor who was motivated by greed for control of Sierra Leonean wealth.


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