Monday, March 3, 2025

Among so many decisions Dr Abiy made in his tenure as the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, removing the Gambella National and Regional State President from the office was one of the best decisions ever.

The former President, Mr Omot Ojulu was the architect of the Gambella Violence which claimed so many lives. The violence has been going on for more than a year organised and executed by Omot Ojulu and the Anyuak elites who wants Gambella without Nuer.

The Prime Minister has been calling them to Addis Ababa to bring peace to the region. But numerous trips mad by the authorities from Addis Ababa have been a big waste of public funds.

Omot surrounded most villages along the Openo with the Ethiopian National and Defense Force while allowing the GPLM killing machine to kill Nuer using the ENDF as a launching pad.

Although Nuer were the one getting killed and the one kept in an Open-Air Prison as the road to Nuer Zone was blocked, the Nuer were crying and begging for peace. Omot could not bring it vowing to evict Nuer from Gambella on what he calls the Anyuak Land.

Many people including so many peace loving Anyuaks have become tired of violence and want peace. They wrote many letters to the Prime Minister, but the Prime Minister took his time while the population was butchering each other.

As late is better than never, Omot was finally removed and the way it was done was the best decision ever made. What made it special was that the new team did not have any hand in the Gambella blood bath.

Normally, a predecessor would nominate his or her successor in Gambella politic when the leadership gets dissolved. This would not have solved anything as Omot would select someone more dangerous to the Nuer while the vice would also have been more naïve and novice than Thankuey.

Mrs Alemitu Omot and the Crowd

That would not have solved the problem, and the bloodshed would have continued. But the fact that the incoming team was selected from outer circle shows that the Prime Minister is not dumb.

He made the best for Gambella and by so doing, he saved his party. If the election was held today in Gambella, the entire Nuer Zone would vote Prosperity Party Compared to when Omot was in power.

The New Team has already brought hope to the people of Gambella. The Anyuak and Nuer have started eating together and drinking together also seeing each other from their homes. This is the best moment Gambella has lost for the last year and a half for stupid violence which gained us nothing but loss of lives and destruction.

1 Comment

Gatluak Nyak Titit August 20, 2024 at 5:55 pm

Peace is best interest to save the life of everyone in Gambella. Now it comes within a day of removal of the anti peace elements. Let’s celebrate with joy and hope for the durable peace.

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