Monday, March 3, 2025

National Park

The Gambella National Park is the largest in the country. It covers an area of 5060 sq kilometers. The Park, originally created to protect the swamps and wild life of the rgion, is now home to many animals some of which are only endemic to Gambella. However, most of the animals that are found in the park but not in other national regional states of Ethiopia are also found in other countries such as the South sudan, the Sudan abd as far as Kenya and Uganda.
The Gambela National park could be the most visited tourism site in the country if prserved well because a significant number of animals that exist in the park have been known to attract not only national tourists but also international ones including those of the western countries. The giraffe and elephants are not excpetion.

An awareness program has been underway for a number of years educating locals to coexist with the wildlife as is the case with Kenya and other East African countries which economies depends mostly on touism. The Gambella locals especially those found in areas where the national park is located are very appreciative with the programs that the goverment is delivering in protecting wild life because most of the children will have the opportubity to see some of the animals which otherwise would have been extinct. Some of these anamals include the nile lechwe and white-eared kob. The banks of the Baro are rich in birdlife and thus give visitors an extra advantage. located in the Anyuak and Nuer areas of the region and now it