Tuesday, March 11, 2025

It is mind boggling to read the sentencing of Tulit Khor and three other Nuer who were sent to life in Jail in Addis Ababa for crimes they did not commit.  The


Federal court of Ethiopia is not to blame for the sentencing because Ethiopia has a fairer judicial system compared to other African countries.

But Tut and three other lives were ruined because of the wrong information given to the federal court by President Omot and his regime.  These individuals were arrested and unfairly convicted not because they were part of the killing spree or any cover up on the death of innocent Oromos killed after the OLF /GLF attack of the city, but because of ethnical line.

The Anyuak never live without killing their neighbours. In 2003, they killed ARRA and UNHCR staff resulting to the death of what they called the “Anyuak Genocide” after the government of the day hit them back with their medicine.

That became an unpaid debt for the Anyuak. The attack on the city after the OLF and GLF were repulsed gave an opportunity for the thugs or terrorist we should say to kill the highlanders in vengeance of what happened almost 20 years ago.

Many Oromos were killed some pulled from their hotel rooms by Anyuak police, Anyuak members of the special force and Anyuak militias. The Police commissioner at the time was an Anyuak named Abella. Abella did not do anything about the crime committed by his people.

This was also in line with Omot’s interest. He could have lost his job if he dared investigate the crime as he could have been fired from his position by Omot. But the family of the slain Oromos put their grievances to the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission after learning that Gambella police was not going to do anything.

Omot had since denied the allegation but when pressed with evidence and seriousness to find the killers, he came up with the idea of sharing the Anyuak crime with the Nuer. Nuer are now serving life sentences for crime they never committed.

If anyone were to be arrested and jailed, it would be the Gambella Leadership notably Omot and Thankuey who blindfolded the Ethiopian Human Rights many times when they came to investigate and ask the whereabout of the killers.

The Vice President who could have said the right thing to the Ethiopian Human right when Omot denied nothing happened could not have gone with the wind. But he involved in the cover up and by doing that lives of the innocents are getting ruined. It is very hard and unfair to spend a day in jail if you did not commit crime let alone 14 years of imprisonment.

When the situation was hard to avoid as the family of the slain Oromos were adamant to get justice done, the Anyuak shifted the blame to the Nuer alleging that they were the Nuer who gave an order to killing of the Oromos in Nuer language despite assailants talking in Anyuak language and despite some of the crimes were committed at the back of the Police Commission;s Office adjacent to the Anyuak Neighbourhood.

Thankuey did not speak the truth regarding the alleged vilification of the Nuer for that crime in the media which ultimately led to the killing of a Nuer student in Oromia,

If the Nuer wants to stop Omot from doing things like this to them, they will need to unite behind Tut and raise fund to appeal the case. They would also need to get the best lawyer and expose all the corruption, lies and disinformation Omot is doing in Gambella.

The table below shows the names of the Nuer Omot selected for the Crimes the Anyuak committed and wrongly convicted.

Nuers jailed for crimes they did not do and wrongly convicted in Federal Court
Names inFull Former Position Duration of sentence Ethnicity Kebele/Woreda
1 Tut Khor Dak Deputy Police Commissioner 14 Years Nuer Mangok, Lare
2 Koang Riek Rik Ex S;ecial Force Commander 14 Years Nuer Waar, Itang
3 Khor Gatkuith Khor Police 12 Years Nuer Waar, Itang
4 Nyakurmith John Police 14 Years Nuer Matar, Wanthoa


For the Anyuak to find their way in getting Nuer arrested on their behalf, it was noted that they paid highlanders to act as family of the deceased and coached them to say that they were the Nuer who involved in the killing,

Nuer would need to unite even if they do not like the people arrested, convicted and jailed.


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