Friday, October 18, 2024

The Anyuak extremist of Gambella Liberation Movement (GPLM) or Dhaal Diim transported themselves to Puldeng KEBELE of the Nuer Zone and attacked the village killing so many people including women and children. This happened yesterday at dawn on July 24, 2023.

Despite the meeting which the Gambella National and Regional State Officials attended, President Omot and only a few Anyuaks were at the meeting signaling their dislike for peace in the region. He was asked why the attendee from the Anyuak side were just a few. President Omot’s reply was that they do not want to to come to the meeting.

Hours after the meeting, the GPLM fighters were intercepted by the Ethiopian Defence Force (ENDF) near Iller Kebele of Anyuak territory. The Defence Force tried to stop them but they refused and were ready to fight the ENDF which were not so many. The Defence Force rang the state president and informed him about the issue.

Omot advised the Defence Force not to challenge them. He advised the Defence Force to to go of them if they want to. No information was communicated by Omot to Puldeng Kebele residents where the fighters were heading. This it self is enough to convince anyone in Gambella that the Anyuak violence on Ethiopian Nuer in Gambella National and Regional State is not longer secrete.

The fighters were transported using goverment vehicles and goverment boats. But President Omot is acting as if he does not know anything even when he is the one who habours these criminals. The Fighters arrived on Sunday evening and met with the Nuer reconnisane Unit around Puldeng. But they were pushed back to the village as the extremists were too many. The Anyuak attacked the village at dawn killing so many people including women and children.

In a lawless state like Gambella, people need to look after themselves very carefully. The Anyuak are determined to kill and finish Nuer and occupied their land. This was done with the full knowledge of the Gambella National and Regional State President, Ato Omot Ojulu. Omot conceals everyday activities of the terrorist groups including the killing of Nuers in a passenger bus.


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