Monday, March 3, 2025

The sensitivity of identity in Gambella Region of Ethiopia between Anyuak and Nuer tribes regarding the Constitutional rights for the Citizens and who has legal  right to live  in Gambella .

Few days ago, Twic TV. has shown a young girl smartly dancing like Ethiopians and said that she is a South Sudanese. That statement has angered and was disputed categorically by Anyuak tribe in Gambella who mentioned that she is a South Sudanese but some individuals disagreed and said that she’s an Ethiopian girl from Nuer  tribe in Gambella Region.

Unfortunately, many Ethiopian Anyuaks of Gambella Region have reacted negatively and alleged that all the Nuer in Gambella are Sudanese who have migrated from Sudan. The Anyuak  ( Anywaa) claimed is controversial and ethically baseless by saying that Nuer aren’t Citizens of Gambella Region .

Historically , Anyuak tribe ( Luo Ethnic group) Originally inhabited  in Current Bhar El Ghzal Region of South Sudan.  They immigrated together with Shilluk (Collo) in the 15 Century towards the East , oral Naath narratives have indicated that the current Bul Nuer area in Bentiu , Unity State South Sudan was inhabited by the Anyuak for sometimes until Anyuak and Shilluk tribes decided to move towards Current Malakal Town ( Makal) .

Some Anyuak remained in Current Bul land (Mayom County) when Bul migrated to that area they were assimilated .  Until today the names of some areas still carrying the Anyuak names and also that some elements are having Anyuak names like Opiu etc.

Now many names of locations in Dinka Ngok land and Jikany Land along the Sobat River towards Ethiopia are still carrying the Anyuak Names. Truly, Nuer Migrations to the East was at two different epochs.

Lou Nuer first migration to current Fangak ( Gazira) around 1750 . But the Migration which was initiated by the Great Explorer Latjor Diyan was around 1820/ 30 .  That migrations continued discovering that zones until they met with Oromo tribe of Ethiopia. However, the fact of the matter is that by then the Anyuak settled along the bank of Sobat valley while Nuer settled in the areas far to some extent from the River.

The Anyuak naturally don’t like mixing with other people. When Jikany ( Gajiok) settled permanently around Nasir  ( Lukpiny) and Ulnag areas, the Anyuak felt uneasy. As a result, they started to move along the Sobat and Baro valleys all the way to the current Gambella ( Gam bell) which is originally a Nuer word but was distorted by Ethiopians. The Gaajak continued with the migration up to current Nuer Land in Gambella Region that happened around 1830 / 40.

Similarly, the Anyuak were migrating until they settled in the current Anyuak areas in Gambella Region.

The question which is posing itself who have the right to claim the ownership of Gambella Region and spreads hates speeches, none of the two tribes Nuer and Anyuak have any guts to discriminate and alleged that he/ she has got more Rights than other. Simply, both tribes immigrated at certain stage of the History from Current South Sudan.

Mr . Lumunu Mingo I believe he hails from Anyuak has Commented that Nuer has no rights in Gambella citing that Nuer are immigrants.

The Disputes between Anyuak and Nuer in Ethiopia needs to be examined critically by the Intellectuals of both tribes in Ethiopia and must find an amicable solution such that they accept themselves and leave in harmonic and peaceful coexistence as people who have got common goals and one destiny.

Neither Nuer nor Anyuak in South Sudan have anything to do with their unproductive squabbling in Gambella. Hatred, tribalism and found less allegations shouldn’t have rooms or impact in the 21st Century.

Coz what’s essential is to render efficient and effective Services and sustainable and equitable development. Hence, illusions and allowing oneself to be hostage and living in the pass would only aggravate the suffering of the Innocent people of Gambella .

Hence, it’s time for Anyuak Intellectuals before it’s too late to take note of the challenges facing Gambella’s Citizens

Hon. kot Matin


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