Monday, March 3, 2025


Duoth Chot Nen

After so much Euphoria and Optimism about Peace in Gambella, the terrorist thugs are doing their best to screw it up. Duoth Chot Nen was killed last night nearly a month after the killer regime was dismissed from the office by the Prime Minister of Ethiopia. The dismissal was either for failing the people of Gambella or for allowing the killing as a daily norm between the Nuer and the Anyuak.

The very people who were the architect of the violent were believed to be the ones orchastrating the killing of Duoth. Some facebook groups run by the Anyuaks who want Gambella to be as peaceful as it can be like any other regions of Ethiopia have mentioned upto 7 individuals including the former Vice President of Gambella, Ato Senay Okwor, as persons of interest.

These individuals are Anyuaks exlussively from Openo. The motive behind the killing was an opposition to Mrs Alemitu’s  leadership whose many claims was illegal and unconsitutional. Very intruguing and a laughable matter to see or hear what consitutional rights these killers would talk about from the backyard when in fact they broke the Ethiopian Constitution of article 14 while in the office denying Rights to Life for so many Nuers and Anyuaks on the Reprisal.

But killing Nuer is a pattern of so many Anyuak when they object the reign of a fellow Anyuak. They take  it on Nuer killing as many as they could get so that the federal goverment removes the goverment of the day on the ground of incompetency.

The Nuer are now in a great delimma and have a tougher choice to make whether to watch Mrs Alemitu handling the events surrounding Nuer Deaths in the hands of Anyuak like they did with the former President,  Omot Ojulu, who eventually did nothing in the end or to scale back and let the dice roll itself speaking to the terrorists in the language they want.

This is not an easy situation for Gambella and Nuer in particular as they have a very difficult decision to make dealing with Anyuak who have now two hearts. One of their hearts is evil contained by Omot Ojulu and his group while the other is a kind of Pure Heart of Mrs Alemitu and 95 percent of other Anyuaks. It is very easy to deal with Omot Ojulu’s group in the way he treats Nuer but difficulties are other innocent Anyuaks who do not have a share of the terrorist agenda. That is why Nuer would need to think through this very carely and not let themselves be driven by emotions.

The flif side for the Anyuak is that Nuer would be able to identify those who want to exterminate them and those that posses a quality leadership with genuine love for all the people of Gambella. The people that kill them while they were in power were the one now mentioned being addicted to the Nuer blood. Mrs Alemitu and Dr Gatluak would have more intelligent than the people who expose the killers on the facebook groups. They must show leadership and be swift in apprehending those who are behind Duoth killing and those who are planning to kill more Nuer.

If they cannot do any of that where this becomes a category such as what we have been through, then Nuer would not have to wait and allow the killing to continue on themselves like it has been for the last two years.  They would need to act decisively if violent is what these groups believes in. But they must make sure only those responsible are the ones deserve worthy response.


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