Monday, March 31, 2025

It now appears that the violence in Gambella is orchestrated by some Anyuaks who live outside the country specifically abroad. This is according to words of Odolo Lero on  Facebook comments thanking the barbaric killing of tNuer in the passenger bus that left two people dead and 23 others injured with some sustaining serious injuries now in critical conditions fighting for their lives in Gambella Healthy Centre (Tsena Tsabia).

Odol’s facebook commets reads  “That’s easy to me! However, starting this year things will be totally different. Nuer must prepare plan B for which country to go to next. Gambella will be like Libya 🇱🇾 now . We can’t allow Refugees to make our lives miserable”.

There were a lot of comments too from Odol’s followers on his post all of which were condoning violence. Another wrote”your contributions to stopped land grabbing is in your mind just due to how you are going to practices and learn how to live in the jungle like others Animals and its will help you peoples. (Be smart enough and play your keyboard means that switches friendships even when he/she disappointed you during genocide periods. Game is changing always and don’t function like concerts or concentrated in the same areas or schedules”.

It is true that the Gambella authorities knew who these people are doing act of terror and happy to continue doing it. If these people are not stopped, in fact Gambella will be turn into Libya like they want it. This is about time that Anyuak elders and peace loving Anyuak must work for peace in Gambella. Those who died in the bus and those who are fighting for their lives do not need to go through that fateful ordeal.

Nobody is going to get evict with violelnce and anything the extremist do will just cause unnecessarily pain and suffering. Anyuak and Nuer have lived together for centuries and will still continue living together.


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