Saturday, March 29, 2025

As far as the Respect of Human Rights are concerned, many Ethiopians would wish

Kenyan President William Ruto

Kenyan President William Ruto dissolves Parliament

to be Kenyans. It certainly appears that Kenyan leaders are not out of touch with their people. In Gambella, it is a different story. There is nothing which harms Nuer that President Omot Ojulu does not have a hand on. Nuer are being killed all the times and most of the killings happen in his directive.

The recent example is the attack of Nuer in Makhot Kebele of Itang Special Woreda by rogue elements of the Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF). It is widely believed that Omot organised the killing where 8 Nuer Civilians lost their lives

More than a dozen of ENDF members were also killed as Nuer defended themselves not knowing it was the ENDF that carried the attack on them at dawn.  Many cattle were also killed along with the civilians by the National Army.

But this is not the start of the Nuer death in Gambella. The Nuer have been killed by Anyuak’s GPLM and are continuing to to die. Omot does not only feel unsympathetic about the Nuer deaths, but he plans for it and orders its execution. There are overwhelming evidence for that starting from the time Puldeng Kebele of Itang Special Woreda came under attack to the time when the first passenger bus was attacked where so many Nuer Passengers lost their lives.

Omot knows all about those attacks. Evidences of those have been presented to the Office of the Prime Minister which to this point remains numb on the Gambella situation. The Prime Minister must understand that if Omot involves in the killing of civilians himself such as this and he does not nothing, he is no different with Omot.

In a civilized world like Europe, North America or Australia, he could be held accountable in the rule of law because the people of Gambella did not choose or elect Omot. Prime Minister did. In saying that no one could help the civilians of  Gambella other than the Prime Minister himself who picked and chose President Omot.

As Omot turned to be a toxic agent and a leader for one tribe specifically, the Anyuak, it is the Prime Minister’s role to do the right thing and bring a more favourable leader who love all the people of Gambella.

If the Prime Minister thought removing Omot from power may create chaos in Gambella, well many in Gambella would say there is no more anarchy than the current stage. When ambulances carrying patients to the hospitals are fired upon, when passengers buses carrying women and children are indiscriminately attacked with machine guns, when the football fans are attacked based on being Nuer in a tournament that suppose to bring people together and when the city is squarely divided making it an Apartheid state of Ethiopia, what more chaos would the Prime Minister Need to act?

The People of Gambella particularly the Nuer would wish he was Rutu of Kenya because removing Omot will bring much needed peace as the GPLM killer group will loose sanctuary. Without Omot, GPLM killer machine will be dealth with accordingly by another leader. When they loose the sancuary, they will find it hard to operate.

But the Prime Minister does not seem to care with the state of affairs in Gambella. Businesses are shutting down, youths are leaving the country and Ethiopians from the highland such as the Oromos, the Amharas, ecetra are leaving Gambella which works for the interest of the Anyuak. Is that what the Prime Minister Want?

Omot’s leadership is painful not only for the Nuer and the Highlander who always get killed, but even  for the Ethiopian National Defense Force as well. The ENDF is being used as a launching pad by Anyuak with the exception of a one day attack on Makhot when they actually became an Anyuak mercinary force fighting for Anyuak cause killing fellow innocent Ethiopians.

Now the difficulties the ENDF have in Gambella is that some of them that ptotect Anyuak from their own making are stationed in swampy areas infested with mosquitoes bringing malaria to a lot of ENDM members most of which have never been to Gambella. A different leader with the heart for all the people of Gambella will end all those because the killers will be brought to justice and peace will come by itself.


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