Thursday, March 13, 2025
Habfay Gebre Hiwot

Murdered by Anyuak evils

The Anyuak are on a killing spree. Nobody is safe in Gambella INCLUDING doctors and nurses even when they are not Nuer. Last night a laborataory technician who works in the health depatment was killed on a knife attack. Nobody knows why the Anyuak are targetting a highlander as at this point, their preys are the Nuer.

But what is clear is that there is no shortage of unneccsesary lost of human lives. Peoople die so easier than a blink of an eye in the hands of Anyuak in Gambella. Following the death of Haftay, 7 Nuer MP were shot and wounded at Goa Lat Cafeteria. The Anyuak used the vehicle of the department headed by Nuer but the driver is an Anyuak.

When people heard the sound of the gun fire, the MP noticed the vehicle indentified as theirs. While coming to check what was happening, the Anyuak terrorist opened fire and wounded all the seven of them.

Luckily, there was no death recordeed but some were left with life long injuries. Those who shot and wounded the MPs were not arrested. The same goes with the killer of the technician by the name of Haftay Gebrehiwot. He was killed at 03.3opm at night Ethiopia time or 09:30pm East Africa time. It was reported that the victim was trying to go to his brother’s shop.

Life for Anyuak means nothing. To make matters worst, the Gambellla Police arrested freinds of Gebrehiwot to distract investifation from real killers. Where on earth do you arrest witnesses to give information? Only in Gambella,


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