If there is any one thing Nuer should do is to exercise their human rights and get Omot and Thankuey dismissed from Gambella leadership. These Nuer you
see were at the bus station in New Land. Omot and Thankuey do not want them to board the bus service in Nuer Neighbourhood. They wanted the passengers to board buses at the old bus station located in Anyuak neighbourhood.
Despite safety concerns raised by the travellers, Omot and Thankuey are not backing down. It has been more than 40 days since the movement of people was halted. Thankuey himself does not know what Omot thinks about his people. Omot wants to finish Nuer and his position on the relocation of the bus service is not just a revenue seeking for Anyuak kids but it is more than that. Omot wants the bus service in Anyuak area so that the Anyuak would kill as many Nuer as they would get.
Nuer must stay firm on this irrespective of the suffering because if the Anyuak could kill a work collegue such as what happened in Itang two days ago, what would be difficult for them to kill passengers they never met? These Anyuaks are pure evil supported by the vice President to achieve their dream in finishing Nuer in Gambella.
Thankuey and all other Nuer politicians in the Parliament can end this suffering today if they want to. But they refused and succumbed to Omot ideas which always harms Nuer.
But Omot bribed colonel Desalegn who does only what Omot wants. There was report that the colonel was bought a car with State Resources to advance Anyuak Interests which is the killing of Nuer. He was also given a big chunk of land.
All that were done in Thankuey’s watch not asking what involved the colonel to act as the state police indicating Nuer to come and board bus services in an unsafe environtment.